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Creative Writing project

My letter to the Portfolio Reviewer:

Trey Dockery

(816) 783-7694

[email protected]


To whom it may concern,

In my portfolio you will find multiple projects that I have done both through Northland CAPS and Platte County High School. Some of these include projects from the Clay County EDC and my internship experiences with the city of Gladstone and EDU Lawn Care. The one that’s most important for this particular assignment is my senior Creative Writing class project. We are supposed to create a new portfolio for this but since I already have a professional portfolio made so why do more work when I can just add more to it and make it more personal with my writing, right?

So here you will see exactly all my professional experiences as well as some information about my hopes and dreams on my about page. You can also connect with me through my social media links attached to the site. Thank you for taking the time to read this and have a wonderful day.

Best regards,

Trey Dockery

Extended metaphor for who I am as a writer:

" There is so much knowledge to consume and there is only so little of me."

I feel this metaphor I wrote truly speaks for who I am as a person and as a writer. There is so much to read, learn, and experience and I want to be able to share the knowledge and perspectives I've gained with everyone to help them on their own journey. When using my blog to professionally put out content and get my name out in the world most bloggers choose a target niche to write to so they can engage the right target audience they're trying to capture. I want to write about so much and share my knowledge on so many different subjects it's ridiculous.

My five pieces of writing:

Below are short excerpts from my writing if you want to view all of these pieces you can click on the title of the pieces and be directed to.

Go Writing

I see myself jumping into a swimming pool full of hundred dollar bills and coming out of it flying my own private jet. I fly to my designers house where i spend $1,000 dollars on a custom made outfit that i’ll only wear once until I auctioned it off like I do with all of my clothes. People try to get a hold of me to chill but i never answer my phone. You have to go through my secretary to contact me. After that I meet my homie shmoney at the trap and we just stay steady trapping. Make a couple thousand and drop it all on one night, you know the usual.


it was just the three of us. Corbin, Josh, and I all had a bad habit. It brought us together even though we had a friendship before then. Our extra money went toward this bad habit and it was all good for a bit. We had good and bad times but all of them our memories that I know too well. It started interfering with my parent relations but the habit never left. They’ve grounded me and yelled at me but what got me the most is when my mom wept.

Bio Image poem

Late night car rides, parked in the field staring at the night sky.

The most beautiful girl I ever seen, is sitting next to me, talking about our memories.

We go back to our home and she’s the last thing I see before I fall asleep.

I wake up early to her snuggled up to me, It’s the most perfect thing.

We get ready for our day talking and laughing the whole way.

I drop her off at work and see her walk away.

I drive off on to the open road, thinking I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Where I'm From Poem

I’m from nothing,

My family came from something to nothing.

My parents came from nothing to something,

and now I will bring my family into something.

I am the beginning of success and a good family.

Humor Writing

Halfy is a half man half horse whose picture you’ll find in that assignment. Scruffy is a Halfy’s pet and fellow trapper and his picture can be found in the last assignment as well. Halfy is finally a trap lord but scruffy his pet turned out to become a trap god? Wait, did I read that right? Oh yeah.. I remember now. Scruffy saved Halfys life from the evil demon known as the undercover cop (whose picture can also be found in the last assignment) by becoming the one and only trap god. This story takes off where the last one ends, at the safe house with the fellow trap lords. After Halfy gets inducted as a trap lord everyone wanted to know exactly how scruffy became the legendary trap god. Scruffy told them that his body was teleported to the evil demons hide out but his mind was lost and ended up teleporting to a lake. He felt a strange urge to drink the water as if it was calling him and he drank the water and then became a trap god and defeated the evil demon.

Reflection of My Writing

For the most part I wrote about myself and the problems I have faced as a person in order to get these feelings and struggles out of my system. Even though I prefer to workout to get these feelings I out I still got to use my creative writing class this year as a way to help me through my problems and gain clarity to see the situation for what it really is. Some of the pieces get really personal and I didn't feel comfortable having those parts as excerpts but you can view these parts in the rest of my writing if you would like. My thought process and my writing process has not change for the most part. I don't really think when I write or do anything really I just kind of do it. Which is a blessing but it can also be a curse in itself sometimes. I feel my writing about my personal problems actually has strengthen my writing in a way that the reader can see what I'm feeling and what I'm trying to convey.

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